Belarusian dictator threatens his own people with military action ahead of “elections”

 In yet another sign that Putin’s USSR 2.0 is set for the garbage bin of history, the increasingly paranoic Belarusian dictator today announced intention to use military against his own citizens in the case of any unrest during this month’s absolutely rigged elections.
During a meeting with governors, Lukashenko emphasized the need for strict measures to ensure stability. “Where necessary, the police; where necessary, the military—feel free to involve them so that there is order,” he stated, according to the state news agency BelTA.

Lukashenko also alleged external attempts to pressure members of Belarus’ election commissions, particularly their leadership. “Support the election commissions at the polling stations. These scoundrels are already putting pressure on our commission members,” he said.

Five “candidates”, including Lukashenko, are in the race. Lukashenko, who has held office since 1994, is seeking a seventh presidential term.

As we saw in Ukraine, Georgia, Syria, Venezuela and all other Russian-backed dictatorships, when oppressed populations seek to oust these puppets, historically they merely call Putin, who then takes over local media operations and sends in Wagner, snipers, OMON. or titushki to crack the skulls of any freedom loving patriots that dare challenge the regime. But with Ukrainians keeping Russians busy by a variety of means, Putin is no longer picking up these calls, as evidenced by recent events in Syria.

Call Lukashenko a low-life, but he’s not stupid, and the dictator’s statement even weeks before his theatrical election production says he is scared. He know’s he’s alone and justice is swiftly approaching.

The Belarusian “election” is set to take place on January 26th. Stay tuned.

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