Economy & Business

Crisis in Russia, Economy & Business

Russia’s Economic Death Spiral continues as more Rate Hikes look to Trigger Bankruptcy Tsunami

In what appears to be a calculated but catastrophic gamble, Russia’s Central Bank this week plans to jack up its key interest rate from today’s already crushing 21% to a further punishing 25%, sparking fears of  impending economic collapse. Normally towing the party line, even the Putin regime’s Pro-Kremlin economists are now warning that the move could unleash a tidal wave of corporate bankruptcies, threatening the survival of entire sectors of the Russian economy.

Economy & Business, World News

Romanian Authorities raid homes of those involved in russia’s attempt to rig presidential election

Now two weeks after Russia’s attempt to install a little known pro-Russian, Nazi sympathizer into the Romanian Presidency using 10 million TikTok accounts, fake facebook profiles and around €380,000 in payments to social media influencers, Romanian law enforcement agencies have initiated a series of searches targeting individuals suspected of financing the presidential campaign of Călin Georgescu.

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