With Russian bloggers, military and otherwise, all doing their postmortems today on the collapse of Putin’s puppet regime in Syria, the unforeseen consequences are beginning to mount.
Not only is this a PR catastrophe for the Putin regime both globally and domestically, a regime that relies so heavily on this carefully maintained image of the Russian “strongman”, but a logistical disaster that will certainly impede Russia’s entire global terror apparatus. One of the many quotes from Russian military bloggers from today, as they wake to their Arab Swan Lake.
From a Russian military telegram channel with 600,000 followers:
“It is reported that we are leaving Syria after all .
It is hard to believe, but if so, then it is a colossal geopolitical defeat and loss of military presence in the Middle East, which they fought for so much over the last 9 years.
In addition to the military presence in Syria as an end in itself, our bases on the country’s territory also played an important role in ensuring the Russian military presence on the African continent. How this issue, which has piled up next, will now be resolved is still unclear.
All this will cost us dearly, not only from a military point of view, but also from a political one.”
We could cite several others but this general despair in coming to accept that Russia’s global terror and looting operations will now be somewhat diminished is the primary concern today among Russians. Looting, mass rape and killing is the core of Russian culture and HAS ALWAYS been the core of Russian culture, but once again it WASN’T the democracies of the world that took down this brutal Russian-backed dictator, it was the Syrians themselves. In this shameful current state of heads-in-the-sand we see in the west is one of the great tragedies of the century, allowing so much evil to flourish around the world while democracy is scrolling instagram.
As in every theater of Russian-backed terror we see anywhere in the world, be it Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine, even looking back at Putin’s propping up of Venezuelan dictator Maduro 4 years ago in which the state oil company was required to switch place headquarters and banking in Moscow in exchange for Wagner mercenaries cracking skulls on the streets of Caracas, Putin’s terror can so easily and cheaply be dismantled by western governments. The biggest win we’ll likely see now from Putin’s humiliation is that cowering western politicans may finally understand that Putin isn’t a golden deity, just a small insecure gargoyle whose regime should’ve been taken down long ago.